Hiding in the Shadows
No-one knows I'm here...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My new toy!!

I told you I'd post a pic when I had one, so here it is!!

Yes, my new car is an 07 plate 1.2 Fiat Grande Punto!! Very nice huh? I know I wanted to get a VW Polo, but they didn't have any of those, so I had to decide on something else. Whilst test driving the Punto I fell in love with it from the start. I also tried a 1.4 Peugeot 206 (felt like driving a shed, but had too much power for me), and a new 58 plate Suzuki Swift (nice, but there wasn't much chance of me buying a brand new car - I didn't fancy the insurance prices on that lol. So, the Punto it was, and after only 3 days of having it, I still love it. It's just so nice to finally have the freedom of not relying on busses/trains/taxis etc.

So here's to new cars, and new freedom!!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Another day, another milestone

So, I had my driving test today... which I didn't do too badly with tbh... hehe I cn't keep it quiet for much longer - Yeah, I passed!! Only 2 minor faults as well which I'm well pleased with!!
Next step, buying a car!! Should be going 'shopping' for one on sat. Looking to get a silver VW Polo, but maybe a Vauxhall Corsa if I can't find a Polo cheap enough. Anyways, I'm sure I'll stick a pic up of my new toy as soon as I get it :)